
Hotel Finance

Ability to issue bills per room/person/group

Automatic fullfillment of Greek companies' details providing VAT number

Choose detailed bill, aggregated per day or for the whole stay

Issuance of (colored) invoice on blank pages based on a template that is easily set up via Microsoft Word

Auto invoice send (pdf) to your customer's email address

Customer debits - credits, ability for preinvoicing, charges transfer to other rooms, charges analysis

Possibility to create a reservation offer that can be easily converted into a reservation

Complete details of agencies, debtors with detailed tabs even for past usages, instant display of invoices on the screen

Agency contracts with discounts, offers with very easy management

Support for payments via BAVEL

Automatic (or not) transfer of invoices to agents, payment by cash or credit cards or a combination thereof

VAT and other Tax calculation

Detailed balance sheets, main courante, agents' balances, sales details, connection to accounting programs


Fast invoicing with only 3 clicks:

  1. Choose room (or rooms)

  2. Select payment method

  3. Invoicing Details (if it is for an agent never before invoiced you provide VAT No. and we will search online for the company details). Press "Issue" button and depart your customer

Possibility of a thank you email upon departure. Easy selection of separate pricing (eg accommodation, extras)


Group Billing


Easy pricing configuration: detailed / per day / one registration / per room (for Group)

Pre-charge bills to invoice at any time before departure

Seperate bill charges to 2 or more invoices

Draft Invoice

Invoice preview before printing

DIscount and/or price change on previous charges


Create pricelists easy and fast, based on your agents' contract or offers

Prices per person / room, early booking, children discounts, extra adults, extra meals, offers 7=6 etc

Copy pricelists with one click


Netera Software

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